Coline Marotta France, b. 1991

Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark 




2013 - 2017 MFA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen  

2010 - 2013 BFA, The Marseille-Mediterranean College of Art, Marseille 




2024        Soft Landings,  Gallaria Acappella, Naples 

2023       Night Emails to Friends, BRIGADE, Copenhagen 

2021        Keeping in Touch, BRIGADE, Copenhagen
                     Public and Private, Mine Project, Hong Kong (online)  

2019        Live a Little, Public Gallery, London
                    Halfway Home, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen  

2018       Introduction, The Tennis Elbow, New York
                    Big Love Low Ceiling, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen  

2017       I'd rather choose something for its texture than for its taste, Alice Folker

                    Gallery, Copenhagen  




2023        Enter Art Fair, BRIGADE, Copenhagen 

                      The Last Slice, Badr El Jundi, Madrid 

2022        VI XX - twenty years of V1 gallery, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen 

                      Cassandra's Sisters, Rundetårn, Copenhagen 

2021         Animal Show, Galleria Acappella, Naples
2020       Some Days Last a Long Time (duo with Kinga Bartis), Ok Corral, 


                      Today's special IV, curated by Mikkel Grønndebæk, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen  

                      No time like the present, Public Gallery, London 

2018        Ein Tun ohne Bild, curated by Christian Malycha, Kunstverein Reutlingen  

                     Blush with the Romantic Club, Raum für drastiche Maßnahmen, Berlin
                     New "bad" painting, curated by Rasmus Thor Christiansen,

                     V1 Gallery, Copenhagen  

2017        We are the ones doing works on canvas, CGK Gallery, Copenhagen  

                     Afgang 17, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen  




2022        BRIGADE, Havana, Cuba
2020        The Danish Institute in Rome 

                       PADA, Barreiro 

2019         Public Gallery, London